September 02, 2005

Sparkplug 17

I hope that this is the only time I feel moved to write a Sparkplug about anything other than motocross. For even though I am currently preparing to head to Steel City to witness the amazing Rick Carmichael wrap up yet another championship, I am not feeling a lot of excitement for the sport I love right now. Right now, because of the tragic events that have unfolded in New Orleans, I am feeling a deep concern for the people I love, the citizens of America.

So I am taking this opportunity to appeal to all people to be positive. We have by now all seen the news footage and read the reports and have felt the deeply disturbing emotions that were dredged up by all that has happened. My appeal is simply this: it is time to stop pointing fingers, time to let go of blame and to embrace the fact that we’re all in this together, as Americans. Yes, there has been a lot of evil done. Yes, there has been a lot of grievous errors made. But all that counts now is that people are suffering, and we must do what we can to help.

Basically, it is “put up or shut up” time. Actually, it is “put us AND shut up” time. Until the hungry are fed, the ill cared for, the homeless sheltered and the hopeless given hope, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

I gave blood on Tuesday and sent some clothes to Houston yesterday. I say that not to toot my own horn, but to simply say “I put up”. And now, on this subject, I will shut up.

I will end this piece, and this discussion, with the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. This quote is admittedly being taken out of its original context, but I think the meaning rings true for the situation we face today.

“We must use the weapon of love. We must have compassion and understanding for those who fear us. For though we stand in life at midnight, we are always on the threshold of a new dawn.”

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