July 05, 2006

Shocker: Another Good Decision by the AMA!

According to this press release (courtesy Racer X online), Bevo Forti has been named to the AMA Racing Committee! This committee "...manages strategic planning and direction within its area of the AMA's mission, with the goal of responding to the interests of the AMA's 270,000 members. " Or so says the press blurb.

Let's see. "Manages strategic planning and direction... with the goal of responding to the interests of the .... members."

The AMA listens to its members? That news should be in ANOTHER press release!

Seriously, I cannot imagine the AMA Racing Committee sitting down to discuss "strategic planning and direction" by using input from member surveys and focus groups. Somebody correct me if my imagination is faulty, please. But in any case, I'm glad to see them pick Bevo, because there's no doubt that he has the best interests of the sport at heart.

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